About CzechoSlovak Passport
This service is provided by BRUNCKO & STRAKA, advokáti, s. r. o., a law firm based in Brno, Czech Republic. Our mission is to provide guidance to descendants of Slovaks and Czechs abroad in navigating the oftentimes Kafkaesque ways of Central European bureaucracy (Franz Kafka was from Prague after all), which can perplex even natives. Founded in 2015, the firm specializes in personal status matters, mainly Family Law.
About the founder of this website

This website was founded by Samuel Ďurovčík, who is currently employed by BRUNCKO & STRAKA, advokáti, s.r.o., as a paralegal.
Samuel is a native of Bratislava, Slovakia and a student at Masaryk University’s Faculty of Law in Brno, Czech Republic. His studies are focused on Administrative, Constitutional and Citizenship Law and he wrote his thesis on the topic of loss of Czechoslovak citizenship through absence, which allowed him to do a deep dive on legal issues affecting the descendants of Slovak emigrants.
Over the past 9 years, Samuel has been working as a freelance translator and also pursued a Political Science degree in the United Kingdom before dropping out and enrolling in a course he is truly passionate about – Law.
His fascination with International Migration and Citizenship Law began, when he discovered a torn-out page from an American passport in his late grandfather’s possessions. Over the next decade, he was able to piece together the story of his great-grandfather, Juraj or George Ďurovčík, who emigrated to and spent almost 23 years in Linden, New Jersey. Countless Freedom of Information requests helped him better understand the journey his great-grandfather undertook along with millions of other immigrants – many of whom would never return to their homeland. Like many of them, he also became a dual citizen of both Czechoslovakia and the United States.
BRUNCKO & STRAKA, advokáti s.r.o.
Plotní 332/73, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
IČ: 09742212
DIČ: CZ09742212
Czech Bar Association member no. 15819